Thank you to our Recent customers in England and Scotland we donated to ...

Story of Sid -

It is with great sadness that we are fundraising for a lovely "homeless" man whose days and nights were spent on the pavement on Shoreditch high street along with his most treasured and loved dog Heidi.

Sid** was a well liked/loved man of the community and always had time and a smile for those that stopped to speak with him and tickles given to Heidi. 

Sid** & Heidi were long standing clients of ours (and there were local rough sleeping charities that were also trying to support his pathway forward off the streets) that tuned into a friendship for many years and I would often go and see and sit with them watching the world rushing around us as we spoke about the most random things about life. I will miss those chats so much!

I want more than nothing for Sid to have a respectful funeral as his last journey with friends and those who wish to attend to surround his final journey with love and respect, To do this for him we need to fundraise. If he was to receive a state benefit paid funeral it would be a paupers funeral with no warmth and love and myself even being his next of kin would have no involvement, just given a date and time.

Sid** passed away suddenly Saturday 24th June at 11.25am, I last visited him a couple of weeks ago in the place of care and he was in good spirits & he was so happy to see videos and photos of Heidi, The care home kept in touch with me constantly throughout his last 24hours and were amazingly supportive.
We understand times are difficult through this crisis and appreciate any support , even a share of this link.

Heidi is in our foster care and receiving lots of love and care and is well.

Thank you for your support and care.

Michelle x

** Sid is the name he was known by on the streets of shoreditch

Thank you to our Recent customers in England and Scotland we donated to ...